Friday, May 9, 2014

Not Looking Good for Mary Landrieu

In a new statewide poll was solely developed and conducted by Southern Media & Opinion Research, Sen. Mary Landrieu continues her fall in the polls. The people of Louisiana have not forgotten her crucial payed for vote in the passing of ObamaCare.

Bayou Buzz
"According to the SMOR poll, based on a survey of 600 likely Louisiana voters conducted April 28-30, 2014, Senator Mary Landrieu continues to drop, with her positive rating now hitting an all-time low of 39% and her negative numbers skyrocketing to 58%.
The results also reflect a gap between “likely voters and “voters”. According to Pinsonat, SMOR used “likely voter” criteria because it was focusing upon an actual upcoming election, rather than a poll showing general popularity. Likely voters, are considered habitual voters, thus, are likely to vote this fall.
Landrieu continues to maintain high positives (79%) among African-American voters, but she continues to lose ground among white Democrats (male and female) and among female.
After being informed that Landrieu had been a U. S. Senator since 1996 and was recently appointed to Chair the U.S. Senate Energy Committee, 59% of the voters thought electing someone new was more important than keeping her in office. Landrieu’s seniority does little to sway voter choice for the U.S. Senate."