Tanzania - July 1
The First Family left the relative safety and comfort of the capital of
South Africa for the wilds of Tanzania early Monday morning.
The first lady had initially requested to stay behind.
The Tanzania Free press showed up to greet the arriving First Family, but
the President was unable to make a statement to the Tanzanian nation
as there was no working teleprompter available.
Johnny on the spot MFNS reporter Earl of Taint from the bush captured the first lady
doing first lady diplomat stuff at a local Tanzanian village. Soon after her arrival,
most wild animals quickly evacuated the area to safety.
After a traditional meal of bongo bongo leaf salad and wildebeest spleen dressing,
in appreciation of her visit, the first lady was presented with a pair of Tiger testicles for
good luck, said to be quite a bit larger then the ones she married .