Wednesday, July 31, 2013

'Fifty Shades of Grey' most Requested Book in Guantanamo

Reuters is reporting that the Fifty Shades of Grey series is “the favorite reading material among former CIA captives held at the Guantanamo detention camp."

Rep Jim Moran (D-VA) toured Camp 7 at Gitmo last week. Camp 7 is home to “high value" prisoners including five men charged in the 911 attacks on the United States in 2001. Moran told Huffington Post:
"Rather than the Koran, the book that is requested most by the (detainees) is ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’ They’ve read the entire series in English, but we were willing to translate it," the Huffington Post quoted Moran as saying on Monday.
"I guess there’s not much going on, these guys are going nowhere, so what the hell."