Thursday, July 23, 2015

Meanwhile, The Dems Have Their Crazys to Deal With

Democrats Want Bernie Sanders Out Of The Race!

Down Trend
The Democrats are terrified of Bernie Sanders. They love him, they agree with him and they think he would make a great president. But they’re petrified that he will be their nominee because they know very few people with more than three brain cells will vote for a self proclaimed socialist as President of the United States. 
The latest example of this terrified frenzy is Barney Frank’s 1,000-word rant against Bernie. He implores Democrats not to support Bernie. Even though they love him, adore him … almost worship him.
[Bernie] has consistently, forcefully and cogently made the case for a larger federal government role in improving both the fairness and the quality of life in our country, refusing to soft-pedal in the face of declining support for this view in public opinion.
Sounds great! How about Bernie’s stand against the War in Iraq and Hillary’s support of it?
I agree that her position on the war is a legitimate concern for those of us on the left. The question then becomes whether this was a manifestation of a general tendency to support unwise military intervention, or the case of her joining every other Democratic senator who had serious presidential ambitions in voting for a war that the Bush-Cheney administration had successfully hyped as a necessary defense against terrorism. While I wish that she, Joe Biden and John Kerry had not been spooked into believing that no one who voted no would have the national security merit badge required to win the presidency, I regard liberal senators’ support for the Iraq War as a response to a given fraught political situation rather than an indication of their basic policy stance — like Obama’s off-again, on-again support for same-sex marriage. (Yes, I am saying that in deciding whether or not to support a candidate with whom I have disagreed on a fundamental issue, I am more at ease if it was a one-time political accommodation rather than a genuine conviction.)
So if they love Bernie so bad, why can’t they support him? - READ MORE
Former Congressman Barney Frank Enjoying a Summer Afternoon in Boston

Like His Hair, Trump Blows With The Political Wind

And what was that famous phrase from P.T.Barnum......

Laredo Tx. Residents Excited at Word of Trump Visit

Members of the Laredo Pharmaceutical Distributors Association
and Barrio Protectionist Society Welcoming Committee  

The Donald fuels up the 757 and grabs a tank of industrial strength hair spray and heads for the Texas border Thursday...... 
“I’ve been invited by the Border Patrol, and they want to honor me, actually, thousands and thousands of them, because I’m speaking up. These are tremendous people; these are tough people. They want to do the job, and they’re not allowed to do their job by the president, essentially."
“I may never see you again, but we’re going to do it"

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Obama's War of Retribution on America

Maybe It's Time to Start Issuing Arrest Warrants 
Why does Congress allow Government Officials to ignore federal law and the Constitution they vow to uphold?
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress exclusive authority to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization. The Supreme Court, in Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha, clearly stated that the plenary authority of Congress over aliens under Art. I, is not open to question. This determination was reiterated in Arizona v. United States,when the Court held that Congress could trump state laws dealing with illegal aliens through the preemption doctrine but competing executive branch enforcement priorities could not.

The President's constitutional duty to enforce the laws derives from Art. II, sec. 3, which states that the President shall take Care that the laws be faithfully executed. This is imperative language: It instructs that the President shall take Care; not take Care if he feels like it. His duty is to execute the laws not some of the laws, not just the ones the President likes, but all of the laws. And he has to execute those laws.

Sarah Saldaña, Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Leon Rodriquez, Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Which brings us to the two people pictured above, both involved in the lawless  sanctuary jurisdiction actions and lack of enforcement of law.  

Ever wonder why such sensitive domestic policy cabinet post such as Department of Justice (Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch), Department of Labor (Secretary Thomas E. Perez), Department of Housing and Urban Development, (Secretary Julián Castro), Department of Homeland Security (Secretary Jeh Johnson), (Anthony Foxx ) Secretary of Transportation and the many directors and commissioners of  departments  like Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and  Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are filled with minorities with special interest group connections? Not to mention Supreme Court Justices with radical Hispanic sympathies, and LGBT activist past?

While the average American sleep walks through life, watching Dancing with the Stars or their favorite felon play ball on Sunday afternoon, Barack Obama has given over authority of much of domestic policy to his many minority appointees who share his views, many who refuse to let go of perceived past wrongs and now are now wheeling authoritarian powers where it counts. Anybody remember that guy, what's his name..... Eric Holder?

Giving just enough shady wiggle room for politicians to to twist out with voters back home, the lapdog media their talking points to cover for him, a lawless President proceeds to write his own laws and ignore the constitution at will while tearing down the nation to rebuilding it in his image.

The latest example:
My own Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) repeatedly pressed  Sarah Saldaña, Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on why the Administration was taking no action against sanctuary jurisdictions that refuse to turn over dangerous criminal aliens from their prisons and jails to federal law officers while thumbing their nose at federal law:
Vitter: “This has been going on for years and you still are not prepared to say that there is ever going to be any negative consequence to those [sanctuary] jurisdictions. When is that going to change?”
Saldaña: “I presume when you all address comprehensive immigration reform; perhaps it can be addressed there.”
Senator Vitter, once again: " Congress could trump state laws dealing with illegal aliens through the preemption doctrine but competing executive branch enforcement priorities could not.

Immigration Legislation has been written behind closed doors with handpicked special interest groups which put their political agendas and financial gains before sound and effective law and the welfare and safety of the American public. As illegals comment crimes all across the nation, a 1,200 page bill before the Senate will provide instant legalization and a path to citizenship to gang members and other dangerous criminal aliens, and handcuff ICE officers from enforcing immigration laws in the future. 

Instead of debating about an unconstitutional act and demands by a lawless President who has opened up America and it's treasury to the third world and potential enemies who have declare to take us down, congress should exercise their power and demand enforcement of laws already in place and confirmed by the Supreme Court, or start issuing arrest warrants for Barack's appointed enemies of the state. 

They're Shocked! Just Shocked.....

Ma Clinton has been handing out beer koozies to Des Moines residents and inviting Cedar Rapids soccer moms to private dinners where she can pick their brains, her numbers have been tanking across the board - not in early states, but in the swing states she needs to top Republicans in the eventual 2016 contest. According to a new poll from Quinnipiac, Clinton is being creamed by the three top Republican candidates everywhere it counts.

The Trumpster Clears the Deck.......

by Big Fur Hat @IOTWReport
Lindsey Graham? The guy’s a fag. You know it and I know it. My fish know it. But who cares? I don’t. But maybe he cares. The guy is gayer than a picnic basket but won’t admit it. That makes him a target for blackmail. Next.
Jeb Bush? He’s the Rachel Dolezal of Mexicans. He wants to be Mexican so bad he mows his lawn 3 times a day. When he passes gas it sounds like La Cucaracha. I agree, he should be president… of Mexico. Next.
Hillary Clinton? Is she finished with her menopause yet? I don’t think so. One minute she’s sitting around, depressed, sun glasses, wearing a winter coat on a plane. Next minute she’s got her bingo wings out and she’s laughing like a lunatic. I think her prescription pills and the booze aren’t mixing right. I’d stay away from this one.
John McCain? I think we all know how I feel about this guy. He’s a little guy whose chubby daughter has to stick up for him. I’ll do him a favor and let him stand on my wallet at the debates.......... KEEP READING

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

☪ A Foreign Policy Black Comedy ☪

Kerry Seen Leaving Recent  Iranian Negotiations 
Known affectionately here at DMF as the "Earl of Ketchup" and "The Duke of Heinz", John Kerry can now add a  third honor to his  royalist list of titles - "The Prince of Fools" 

Ricochet - You must give John Kerry credit. Who else could play the idiot with a straight face like he can. Again, he knocked me to the floor with a comment so devoid of intelligence, so totally inane as to astound beyond all credence. Truly he is the Prince of Fools.
"U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said a speech by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program was “very troubling.”
“I don’t know how to interpret it at this point in time, except to take it at face value, that that’s his policy,” he said in the interview with Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television.
“But I do know that often comments are made publicly and things can evolve that are different. If it is the policy, it’s very disturbing, it’s very troubling.....” 
The man has just concluded a complete major treaty with the Iranians. The administration just ran to the U.N. so they could lift vitally important sanctions from Iran, giving them the green light for further aggression. They did this before Congress, as agreed, could have a say, and as if the Congressional right to ratify treaties, under the Constitution, were something that could be waved. Now, he’s “disturbed” that the hideous tyrannical regime with which he’s been negotiating for years is just what it appears: a lawless monster intent on the destruction of America, Israel, and any rival in the Middle East.

“If it is the policy, it’s very disturbing, it’s very troubling.”
The Supreme Leader of an absolute theocratic dictatorship publicly announced this, to mass rallies, and Kerry says “If it is the policy.” He’s just given away the store at the U.N., and now, a few days later, he is very disturbed and troubled.

Absolutely amazing! This is for the Idiot Olympics. Kerry is in a class by himself.  

Monday, July 20, 2015

Springer's Handy Guide to the Candidates

The Religion of Peace vs. Socialist Utopians

The bombing is believed to have been a suicide attack carried out by an 18 year-old female ISIS militant. The target was a gathering of Turkish  left-wing activists planning to cross into the northern Syrian city of Kobani to help rebuild the town destroyed during the months-long ISIS siege last year.  30 dead and 100 wounded. 

Lost in the News of the Day.....

As the blogs rehash Fridays news and repost the same stuff we read all weekend:  of the celebration of men who think they're women, of a traitorous administration's deal with the devil,  of the lives of the most violent people in society are the only lives who matter, and of a generation of journalist and politicians that years ago were calling military men like him baby killers now come to his defense as a war hero....    As society continues it's slow decent into chaos lead by progressive intent on dragging us into an Orwellian high tech version of the 8th century, very little is said on the 46th anniversary of what was once believed the impossible and only dreamed of; America's greatest achievement and the pinnacle of human civilization. 

In the early morning hours of July 20, 1969, the entire world looked up from their mundane lives and watched as Americans first stepped foot on the moon.  

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Backstage With Hillary

by Campaign Reporter Earl of Taint 
In my role as the Semi-Professional Journalist At Large for the MFNS Worldwide Media Empire I attended a recent Dem fundraiser and managed to sneak myself backstage and into Hillary’s dressing room. I could only upload one shot before her security droids activated, forcing me to run for my life.
Luckily, for all of us, she was already dressed.

Earl has also managed to recently sneak into Donald Trump's Dressing Room