Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dumpin' Trump and Keepin' Rev. AL

Today, Jeff Lord of the American Spectator sorts out the sorry details of how NBC dumped Donald Trump, but is more than happy to keep Al Sharpton at MSNBC.

Never Ever Trust a Politician Who Wears
Socks With Sandals
It would appear that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, will follow suit as he has ordered a review of the city’s contracts with Trump.

The Mayor proclaimed, “Donald Trump’s remarks were disgusting and offensive, and this hateful language has no place in our city. Trump’s comments do not represent the values of inclusion and openness that define us as New Yorkers.” 

All of which leads to these questions:

Does de Blasio consider Sharpton’s false accusations of rape against former Assistant District Attorney Steven Pagones to be disgusting and offensive?  Does de Blasio also consider Sharpton’s description of Jews as “diamond merchants” and “white interlopers,” the latter of which he defended as recently as last year, to be disgusting and offensive?

In both instances, Sharpton’s remarks led to riots in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn and the fire at Freddy’s Fashion Mart in Harlem resulting in the deaths of 10 people. Do those acts of violence represent the values of inclusion and openness that define New Yorkers?

Does de Blasio consider Sharpton’s use of the term “homos” unrepresentative of the values of inclusion and openness that defines New Yorkers?

Look, I think Trump sometimes comes across as a bit of a buffoon. But his words have never led to anyone being killed much less been convicted of libel. As some have argued,  
Sharpton should have been shunned from polite society decades agoInstead, Sharpton is coddled by the media, the Mayor of New York and President Obama while Trump is now being shunned for far lesser offenses.